dinsdag 29 juli 2008

Rigoberto is gone

Rigoberto got lost at the night of 11 july,
I allready totally trashed the poor bike crossing up and down the streets of Arles,
left it at the Eglise St Julien and never saw it back anymore..alors c'est la vie.
Actually I kind of stole it myself cause I broke open the lock after it had been standing for a long time all alone in my street..In Memorial of my poor golden minibikey Rigoberto, here is one of it's last photo's beeing nicely parked in a dirty alley in my city.

vrijdag 18 juli 2008

Illigal expo at Recontres Arles

These are some images of my illigal expo at the french photography festival Recontres Arles. With my polaroidpasfotocamera I shot portraits of the people I met,
four of these I framed and exposed illigally at the main exhibtions of the festival. Two of them where gone the next day but two others still remain, alors..

donderdag 17 juli 2008


Some shots of my expo at Academy Minerva in may 2008.
Tried to put up as many works as possible and became very happy.
Click on the images om ze groter te maken.

Dans le photomaton
